So - what can you do about it?
The cheapest solution is to buy a 'radio band expander' - easily available on the net (eg ebay) for a few quid - they vary in quality but will change the frequency range of the RADIO ONLY to UK bands HOWEVER!!! The frequency display on the radio itself WON'T match the frequency that you're tuned to

Next option - you need to buy a new unit - these days, reasonably good quality units are available under £100, but the sky's pretty much the limit, depending on what you want to install. One thing you WILL need though is a wiring adapter - an ISO lead - not expensive and available from any high-street motor parts store (eg Halfords) - I'll try to dig out the reference.
VR3 do some quite nice replacement units at a good price.
What we need here now is details of how to replace the original unit with your new one ...
Then - the difficult part - deciding how much you're going to spend on that new unit!