2gether FS

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2gether FS

Postby admin » Wed Sep 10, 2008 11:06 am

2GetherFS, with Gary Haime at the helm, now provide a broad range of extremely competitive insurance products, including motor, household, contents, life, etc, a class beating breakdown service, great supporting products such as their nil-excess and key-care policies and, as independent financial advisors can offer independent advice on a broad range of financial services products, including mortgaging, special finance etc.

Within their wide-ranging product portfolio, 2GetherFS have produced a scheme specifically for the Honda SMX Owners Club (Their motor insurance policies are for UK residents only).

You can contact 2GetherFS for a quote on our dedicated land-line : 01945 585322
by email : gary@2gfs.co.uk
or alternatively, submit an online quotation request by clicking HERE <-- Click to link

Please note, 2GFS can only provide fully comp cover if you are aged 22 or over.

2GFS can provide cover for a wide range of vehicles, including non-Honda SMX motor insurance, but will provide specialist cover for the following :

    All Honda SMX models
    All Japanese import vehicles
    All UK model vehicles

    Home & Contents Insurance
    Caravan Insurance
    Marine Insurance

    Competitive breakdown cover

Get a great insurance deal AND help The Club!


2GFS - Independently delivering the best value insurance and financial products and services in the UK

Please leave your ranking of the service you have experienced when dealing with 2GetherFS, taking into consideration their sales, the actual product and their 'after-care' service.

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Re: 2gether FS

Postby magicSMX » Sat Jan 03, 2009 11:07 pm

J had called them month ago to get a quote, hoping they will know what I am talking about. Nasty suprise!
Chap on other end did't know anything about Honda SMX or SMX Club. Promise to call back after taking details. Heard no more from him.
No different to any of other brokers or insurance company.
I am insured through Swinton, however was not a pleasure to deal with them, as so far they only demand money without sending any documents apart from credit agreement. Aparently the have no SMX on system. Suprise?! not.
Why they advertise as an import specialist? Do not know!
I had less problems insuring my FTO few years ago, with more power and there were even fewer of them around, than with this very baisc, little car.
If someone can recommend good insurer for Honda SMX, it will be apreciate.
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Joined: Sat Jan 03, 2009 10:37 pm

Re: 2gether FS

Postby littlenicky7 » Wed Nov 11, 2009 12:49 pm

"Do not go with this insurer - and definitely not if you are a woman driving on her own. Had a crash late on saturday night in dover, on my way home from Germany to Anglesey... Their out of hours service is abominable and left me standing in the rain. Literally. With no hotel, hire car or any help whatsoever!!! Had to stay 2 nights in a hotel over there to wait for Highway Insurance/the underwriters to open their office on Monday morning. Still no help really, did not pay for any costs occurred and still didn't get anything right. Didn't even find the car to tow to the local garage, because they just didn't listen/care!!
Just after the incident I had to be on the phone with them for an hour, though being really shaken from a head on collision... On my costs, because the promised call back was forgotten!! Was put thru to Highway out of hours. A sleepy unhelpful gentlemen who told me to phone my breakdown service! Which I did. Autonational Rescue. Great guys! Unfortunately they do the out of hours service only for Star Insurance - but man did THEY make me feel better... but I wasn't with Star :( otherwise they would have sorted me in no time!! Tried Highway again on Sunday, no help. Out of hours service didn't dare to authorise hotel or hire car. Phoned Highway finally on Monday with reference number - no record of my claim anywhere!!! Had to do it all over again!!!
Was a real scary situation when my bank card didn't wanna work either at the Premier Inn and it was too cold to stay in the car anyway, without heating.
Worst experience ever!! DO NOT INSURE ANYTHING WITH THEM!!!"
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